Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately MOPH no longer has a service officer program. The service officer program was terminated due to budget constraints. For our members that need a service officer here are several organizations that we recommend in the Tucson area. You only need to be a veteran and do not need to be a member of their organization.
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 4 Tucson (they have a good reputation, behind the Bisbee Breakfast Club on Ina Rd, just off of I-10)
4145 W. Ina Road
Suite 131
Tucson, Arizona 85741
Mon-Fri: 9 am to 3 pm
Vietnam Veterans of America Ch 106 Tucson. Their service officers help all veterans not just those of the Vietnam era.
Dan Ross • 520.730.6069
VVA 106 VSO Hours at the VA Building 13, Room 3
Monday & Tuesday 0800-1400
No Appointment – First Come, First Served
520-792-1450 ext. 6588
Arizona Department of Veterans Affairs has benefits counselors that are there to help Arizona veterans (not sure if this one is current).
Cathi Starr, Southern Region Manager (520) 207-4960
Veterans Service Division – Southern Region FAX: (520) 207-4961
1661 N. Swan Road, Suite 128 Toll Free: 1-800-852-8387
Tucson, AZ 85712