Funds donated to the Military Order of the Purple Heart are used to provide aid and comfort to veterans who are in need of assistance. The Organization also helps the families of veterans if they are in need. Veterans do not need to be members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart or recipients of the Purple Heart to be helped. Chapter 442 is a tax-exempt, non-profit veterans group operating as a 501(C)19 organization. Chapter 442 owns no real estate.
Its officers and members work from their homes and serve without pay or financial incentive. One hundred percent of all contributed money is applied to further the work described above. The chapter does not engage in mass-mailings or phone solicitation, and does not employ professional fund-raisers. Instead, we rely upon the good will of those who know of and support our worthy programs; primarily through “Donations” from among the membership, from outside individuals and from corporate donors. Donations to MOPH Chapter 442 fully qualify as charitable contributions under the federal tax code and IRS rules.
We assist any veteran in need.
Donate Online with PayPal: Donate by PayPal at this link
Note: When making your donation by check, credit card, or PayPal please indicate on the check or in the remarks on the paypal/credit card online form the purpose of the payment such as:
– Donation to the chapter for (Veterans Programs, welfare, Americanism, or in memory of ________ )
Or Mail your donations to the address below: Make checks payable to:
Chapter 442 Military Order of the Purple Heart
PO Box 89066
Tucson, AZ 85752
Thank You!