Although our membership is restricted to Purple Heart recipients, MOPH provides support to all veterans. The membership of the Fort Lowell Chapter 442 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart welcomes all Purple Heart recipient’s from all wars to MOPH Chapter 442. All of our members are combat wounded, except for our Associate members who’ve had a relative wounded in combat. Our membership has service in combat during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Liberation of Kuwait, Iraq, & Afghanistan while serving in the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Navy.
You’ll enjoy your time spent with others who have been where you’ve been and done what you’ve done. As a Purple Heart recipient YOU are welcome here and we all appreciate the sacrifices you (or your relative) has made for our country – thanks for serving your country!
The National MOPH organization for combat-wounded veterans is chartered by the Congress of the United States. Our (local) Fort Lowell Chapter 442 has two hundred thirty members in Southern Arizona but most live in the Tucson area. In furtherance of the objects of the Order, the chapter undertakes educational, fraternal, historical, and patriotic activities in accordance with its Constitution and By-Laws. Among those activities:
– Giving needed hospital and service work through the Veterans Administration at the Tucson Veteran’s Hospital.
– Acting with other organizations having worthy objectives in support of veterans.
– Providing needed assistance, comfort and aid to needy and distressed veterans and their families.
– Preserving and strengthening comradeship and patriotism among the members.
– Promoting Americanism by Influencing and teaching our citizenry, in a loyal appreciation of the heritages of American citizenship.
– Educational Assistance in the form of scholarships to JROTC and ROTC programs at local high schools and colleges.
– Commemorating national patriotic holidays. Two special dates are celebrated each year that are important to this organization. These are Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. The chapter supports the Purple Heart Park in Tucson.
Chapter 442 is a tax-exempt, non-profit veterans group operating as a 501(C)19 organization. Chapter 442 owns no real estate and its officers and volunteers work from their homes and serve without pay or financial incentive. One hundred percent of all contributed money is applied to further the work described above. The chapter does not engage in mass-mailings or phone solicitation, and does not employ professional fund-raisers. Instead, we rely upon the good will of those who know of and support our worthy programs; primarily through “Donations” from among the membership, from outside individuals and from corporate donors. Donations to MOPH Chapter 442 fully qualify as charitable contributions under the federal tax code and IRS rules.
National Headquarters
The National Headquarters of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) is located in Springfield, Virginia. The Order now includes about 41,000 total members, organized into 6 geographical Regions, 47 State Departments, and 470 Chapters. The Order has a number of national programs which include Americanism, ROTC/JROTC Leadership, Purple Heart Trail, Suicide Awareness, Scholarships, Veterans Advocacy and others.